Good Art Looks Good Anywhere
September 24 – October 3, 2009
What do we expect to see in a storefront window… furniture, clothing, jewelry, kitchenware, beauty products? Expect the unexpected when OH Projects and projects present The Storefront, our second curatorial collaboration.
81 Spring Street in Watertown, MA was originally the home of the Watertown Sun newspaper. It is currently occupied by Ningyo Editions, a fine arts print studio. On Thursday, September 24, we will host The Storefront featuring 10 artists whose work addresses the issues of identity and neighborhood.
A Geoff Hargadon installation on the asphalt parking strip and a window display of Danielle Kcrmar’s strange, portrait busts, greet you as you enter The Storefront. Inside, Chris Faust’s portraits of faceless women in hoodies and James Hull’s photographs of Italian dumpsters explore the anonymity of the people and objects we glimpse everyday on our neighborhood streets. –Karla Woz